Parkinson's dad feats of endurance

Endurance marathon runner Alex Flynn has early onset Parkinson’s but is refuses to let it get in the way of his hoped and dreams.

As first seen on Lacuna Voices

This inspiring dad-of-three was a high flying solicitor and young family man when a small tremor in his little finger told him something was seriously wrong. After months of tests, it became clear that despite being in his mid 30s, Alex was suffering Parkinson’s, a neurological disease that effects gross motor and muscle control.

There is no cure and it is life limiting.

But Alex has powered on with his endurance marathons, running, cycling and hiking the world’s hardest terrains and raising hundreds of thousands of pounds to fund research into a cure.

I first featured Alex in Lacuna Voices, and later syndicated his inspiring story to the Sunday People.

To learn more about Alex, visit his website here. To help Alex fundraise for Parkinson’s UK, visit his Just Giving page for his latest challenge - climbing double the height of Mount Everest at home during the Covid-19 lockdown, using just his stairs.